Monday, August 20, 2012

101 Uses for the Everyday Oils Kit

 ****These suggestions apply ONLY to Young Living oils, as oils you purchase in the store, are NOT 100% pure! Even those that say 100% pure. The FDA only requires that 3-5% of the bottle be pure in order for it to have a 100% pure label. The rest of the bottle is made up of additives, fillers, and toxic chemicals.

The Everyday Oils Kit was created by Young Living so anyone could easily have access to nine of Young Living's most popular oils: Lavender, Lemon, Frankincense, Peppermint, PanAway, Peace & Calming, Purification, Thieves, and Valor.

In addition to application via the colon, all of these oils can be applied topically and also diffused. All single oils may be used as dietary supplements as well.


FRANKINCENSE - Also known as "olibanum," it has been used in religious ceremonies for thousands of years.
  1. Rub on temples or place a drop on tongue and push to roof of mouth to relieve stress and sadness.
  2. Diffuse to increase spiritual awareness and uplift the spirit.
  3. Diffuse or inhale directly to stimulate the limbic system of the brain (memory and emotional center).
  4. Take as a dietary supplement for immune stimulation.
  5. Rub on skin to decrease signs of wrinkles, lighten age spots, decrease inflammation of acne and boils.
  6. Rub around orbit of the eye for improved vision.

LAVENDER - The most versatile of all essential oils. Therapeutic-grade lavender has been highly regarded for the skin. Lavender has been clinically evaluated for its relaxing effects. The fragrance is calming, relaxing and balancing, both physically and emotionally.
  1. Rub on feet for calming.
  2. Rub on your pillow to help you sleep.
  3. Put 2-3 drops on a minor burn to decrease pain.
  4. Apply 2-3 drops of Lavender to a rash to stop the itching and heal the skin.
  5. Mix several drops with V-6 Vegetable Mixing Oil and use topically on eczema and dermatitis.
  6. To alleviate the symptoms of motion sickness, place a drop on the end of the tongue, around the naval or behind the ears.
  7. To stop a nosebleed, put a drop of oil on a tissue and wrap it around a small chip of ice. Push up under the middle of the top lip to the base of the nose and hold.
  8. Rub a drop over the bridge of the nose to unblock tear ducts.
  9. Rub Lavender oil on dry or chapped skin.
  10. Rub a drop of Lavender oil on chapped or sunburned lips.
  11. To minimize the formation of scar tissue, massage on and around the affected area.
  12. Rub 2 to 4 drops over the armpit area to act as deodorant.
  13. Diffuse or put a drop between your palms and inhale deeply to help alleviate the symptoms of hay fever and allergies.
  14. Place a few drops on a cotton ball and place in your linen closet to scent the linens and repel moths and insects.
  15. Place a drop of Lavender oil in your water fountain to scent the air, kill bacteria and prolong the time between cleanings.
  16. Place a few drops on a wet cloth and throw into the dryer.
  17. Put a drop of Lavender oil on a cold sore.
  18. Spritz several drops of Lavender oil mixed with distilled water on a sunburn to decrease pain.
  19. Drop Lavender oil on a cut to clean the wound and kill bacteria.

LEMON - Has antiseptic-like properties and contains compounds that have been studied for their effects on immune function.
  1. Use 6 drops of Lemon oil and 6 drops of Purification oil in a spray bottle mixed with water to use as air freshener.
  2. Use 1-2 drops of Lemon oil to remove gum, oil, grease spots or crayon.
  3. Use 1 drop of Lemon to add flavor to baked goods or beverages.
  4. To clean and increase the shelf life of fresh fruit, fill a bowl with cool water and 2-3 drops of Lemon oil. Drop your cleaned fruit into the water and stir to be sure all surfaces of the fruit contact the lemon water.
  5. Add 2-3 drops of Lemon oil to water and spray counter tops to sterilize them.
  6. Place a drop of Lemon oil on cold sores, herpes or other mouth ulcers to lessen pain and aid healing.
  7. Put a drop of Lemon oil on bleeding gums caused by gingivitis or tooth extraction.
  8. Rub several drops of Lemon oil on cellulite to improve circulation and help eliminate waste from the cells.
  9. Rub a drop of Lemon oil to clean a butcher's block or other cutting surfaces.
  10. Put 10-15 drops of Lemon oil in each gallon of carpet cleaning solution to help pull out stains and brighten the rug. This also leaves a fresh smell in the room.

PEPPERMINT - One of the oldest and most highly regarded herbs for soothing digestion. Jean Valnet, M.D., studied peppermint's effect on the liver and respiratory systems. Dr. William N. Dember of the University of Cincinnati studied peppermint's ability to improve concentration and mental accuracy. Alan Hirsch, M.D., studied peppermint's ability to directly affect the brain's satiety center, which triggers a sense of fullness after meals.
  1. Rub 4-6 drops in the palm and rub over stomach and around the navel to relieve indigestion, flatulence and diarrhea.
  2. Add Peppermint to herbal tea to aid in digestion and relieve heartburn.
  3. Massage several drops of oil on an injury to reduce inflammation.
  4. Apply Peppermint oil immediately to an injured area (bruised shin, put on the foot or hand) to relieve pain. If there is a cut, apply the Peppermint oil around (not on) the open wound.
  5. Rub several drops of oil on the bottoms of the feet to reduce fever.
  6. For poison ivy or poison oak, apply Peppermint oil on location neat or dilute with V-6 Vegetable Mixing Oil.
  7. Inhale before and during a workout to boost your mood and reduce fatigue.
  8. Massage several drops on the abdomen to relieve nausea.
  9. To relieve a headache, rub on the temples, forehead, over the sinuses (stay away from the eyes) and on the back of the neck.
  10. To stop hiccups, apply a drop of Peppermint oil on each side of the fifth cervical vertebra (up three notches from the base of the neck).
  11. Place two drops of Peppermint oil on the tongue and rub another drop under the nose to improve alertness and concentration.
  12. Diffuse Peppermint in the room while studying to improve concentration and accuracy. Inhale Peppermint while taking a test to improve recall.
  13. Rub 4 drops on chest and stomach to relieve travel sickness.
  14. Place a drop of Peppermint oil on the tongue and inhale into the nose and sinuses to relieve congestion from a cold.
  15. Add Peppermint oil to food as a flavoring and a preservative.
  16. To deter rats, mice, ants or cockroaches, place two drops on a cotton ball and place along the path or point of entry for these pests.
  17. To kill aphids, add 4-5 drops to 4 ounces of water and spray the plants.
  18. Drink a drop mixed in a glass of cold water to cool off on a hot day.
  19. Rub Peppermint oil on joints to relieve arthritis or tendonitis pain.
  20. Place a drop of Peppermint oil on the tongue to stop bad breath.
  21. Inhale the fragrance to curb appetite and lessen the impulse to overeat.
  22. Remove ticks by applying a drop of Peppermint oil on a cotton swab. Wait for it to unhedge its head, then remove from your pet.
  23. Mix Peppermint oil in a footbath to relieve sore feet.

PEACE & CALMING - A gentle, fragrant blend of Tangerine, orange, ylang ylang, patchouly and blue tansy, specially designed for diffusing. It promotes relaxation and a deep sense of peace, helping to calm tensions and uplift spirits.
  1. Rub 1-2 drops of Peace & Calming oil on the bottom of the feet and on the shoulders before bedtime to get good quality sleep.
  2. Diffuse in the room to calm overactive or hard to manage children.
  3. Mix with massage oil for a relaxing massage.
  4. Mix with Bath Gel Base in warm water for a relaxing bath.
  5. To help stop nocturnal teeth grinding, diffuse while sleeping.

PANAWAY - A blend of wintergreen, which has an active constituent similar to cortisone; clove, which contains eugenol, used by dentists to numb gums; peppermint, which is calming for nerves; and helichrysum, which is soothing for localized discomfort. This blend was created by Gary Young following an injury that severely tore the ligaments in his leg.
  1. Apply PanAway oil topically on an injured area to reduce inflammation and bruising.
  2. Apply PanAway oil topically to sore muscles after exercising.
  3. Rub a drop of PanAway oil on the temples, forehead and back of the neck to relieve a headache.
  4. Mix with massage oil and massage on location to stop growing pains.
  5. Rub 1-2 drops of PanAway oil on arthritic hands to lessen pain.
  6. Rub 2-3 drops at the base of the spine to relieve sciatic pain.
  7. For arthritic pets, massage PanAway oil diluted with V-6 Vegetable on location or a drop in the food.

PURIFICATION - An antiseptic blend of Citronella, lemongrass, rosemary, melaleuca, lavandin and myrtle, formulated for diffusing to purify and cleanse the air and neutralize mildew, cigarette smoke and disagreeable odors.
  1. Diffuse Purification oil to clean the air and neutralize foul or stale odors.
  2. Put several drops of Purification oil on a cotton ball and place in the air vents in the home, office, hotel room or other enclosed area.
  3. While traveling, inhale Purification oil during flights to protect yourself from pathogens found in the recirculated air.
  4. Put a drop of Purification oil on insect bites to cleanse and stop the itching.
  5. Apply a drop of Purification oil on blemishes to clear the skin.
  6. Rub on the outside of a sore throat when it is first beginning.
  7. Rub a drop of Purification oil on a blister to cleanse and disinfect.
  8. Put 2 drops of Purification oil on two cotton balls and place in the toes of smelly sneakers to combat odors.
  9. Place a drop of Purification oil on each end of a cotton swab and place on top of your cold water humidifier to clean the air.
  10. Dilute Purification oil with V-6 Vegetable Mixing Oil and swab the nasal cavity to ward off the flu.
  11. Spritz several drops of Purification oil mixed with water to repel insects.
  12. Apply Purification oil and Peppermint oil diluted with V-6 Vegetable Mixing Oil to a cotton swab and rub just inside the ear to eliminate ear mites in cats and dogs.

THIEVES - A blend of highly antiviral, antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-infectious oils. Includes: clove, lemon, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus, and rosemary. Named after a band of Thieves who rubbed themselves with spices and oils to avoid the Plague while robbing the sick and dying.
  1. Make a spritzer to use as a disinfectant. (Combine water and vinegar, or alcohol, with Thieves oil.)
  2. Diffuse to kill airborne microbes and pathogens. (Research shows a 99.96% decrease in airborne pathogens.)
  3. Diffuse and use directly for toxic molds.
  4. Make your own disinfectant handwipes for home and travel. (Paper towels, bath gel base, water and Thieves oil.)
  5. Mix water, vinegar and Thieves oil for internal digestive cleanse.
  6. Dilute and use for teething, mouth and dental pain.
  7. Dilute and use for sore throats, swollen glands and tonsils.
  8. Dilute and apply around ear area (never directly in ear) for infection.
  9. Rub 3 drops directly on bottom of feet to enhance immune function.
  10. Use directly on toenail fungus.
  11. Dilute and dab on pimples, boils and acne.
  12. Dab on warts until eliminated.
  13. Use Thieves Household Cleaner to eliminate and prevent airborne pathogens from home, school, indoor and outdoor work environments.
  14. Use Thieves oil, natural soap and water to clean outdoor surfaces like concrete, wood and siding to stop toxic molds.

VALOR - A blend of rosewood, blue tansy, frankincense, and spruce.
  1. Chiropractor in a bottle! Apply 3-4 drops on feet or spine for improved spinal alignment.
  2. Apply topically or diffuse for calming and stress relief.
  3. Use in Raindrop Technique for structural and energetic balancing.
  4. Apply topically on temples and back of neck for improved focus and mental clarity.
  5. Wear as cologne! It's perfect for men and women.

Again, these suggestions apply only to the use of Young Living therapeutic grade essential oils.

DO NOT attempt to self-diagnose or prescribe any natural substances for health conditions that require professional attention.

See individual bottle label directions or check with a health professional before using essential oils if you have a serious medical condition or if you are pregnant, nursing, or planning to become pregnant.

DO NOT use wild tansy, clary sage, sage, fennel, wintergreen, or hyssop during pregnancy.

Consult your healthcare professional about any serious disease or injury.

When applying a new oil, test one drop on a small patch of skin first (e.g., on the underside of the forearm). Skin sensitivity is highly individual. If the skin feels hot or turns red, apply a vegetable oil (e.g., olive or almond) to the area, which will dilute the essential oil. Washing with water is less effective.

Use only one new oil or oil blend at a time to determine how your body responds. Wait 30 minutes before using or implanting another new oil.

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