Monday, August 20, 2012


Let me introduce myself! I am a Christian woman, married for 35 years, mother of 3 daughters, grandmother of a very beautiful, precious baby girl 16 months old, with a grandson on the way!

I have just recently begun my journey with Young Living Essential Oils. My entire life, when something hurt or just didn't feel right, I would go to the doctor and happily take whatever medicine was prescribed! My husband is a pharmacy technician, so medication has always been a part of our lives!

Recently, two of my daughters were introduced to Young Living Essential Oils by a personal friend, Katie. They were instant fans and quickly told me of the oils. Being a bit skeptical, I agreed to try a few samples for aid in sleeping and for headaches.

I have had difficulty sleeping well through the night for a long time. Katie suggested I try Lavender (a single oil) and Peace & Calming (a blend). I did and slept wonderfully! I did this for several nights, then decided to test it out by not using them. I woke up at least 4 - 5 times a night! So, of course, I went back to the oils! I also have frequent headaches and occasional migraines. Katie suggested Peppermint or M-Grain. I have had success with both! The other day, I thought I was going to have to leave work after my lunch break because my head hurt so badly. But, I decided I would try the M-Grain first. If it didn't work, I would go home. I put two drops in my hands, put some on my temples, forehead and the back of my neck. Within 20 minutes the headache had eased, so I pulled out the bottle and cupped my hands around it and simply took 3-5 deep breaths. By the end of 30 minutes total, the headache was gone!

By the way, Peppermint is a wonderful pick me up when added to a glass of water!

I went to an "Oil Party" given by Katie to introduce the benefits of the oils to many of her friends. She explained Young Living's "Seed to Seal" process which ensures the quality and "therapeutic-grade" of their oils. Many oils may claim to be 100% pure, but only Young Living is 'therapeutic-grade". She also told us how she came to use these oils and the difference they have made in her family's health. Knowing Katie personally, I knew if she was this excited (and using these oils on her children, herself and husband), this must be a quality product!

I have been increasing my own selection of oils, creating an entirely different "medicine chest" and have been learning more and more about these oils. I have always been somewhat interested in the more natural healing aspects of plants and herbs, but never really delved into it! It only makes sense - God placed these herbs and plants on this earth for healing purposes and told us of them in His Word to us - the Holy Bible!

I hope you will take the time to explore this fascinating abundance God has placed here for us. Young Living Essential Oils are 100% pure oil and have been researched thoroughly to give us the best of the oil.

1 comment:

  1. Such wonderful testimonies! YL essential oils have changed my life as well as my families. I can not imagine a day with out them and I can't imagine anyone NOT wanting them either. Blessings to you and I praise God for your testimonies and how God is bringing us back to His original intent. :) Carrie @
